Poetry of David Oscarson

A Vow of Love    
The wind pressed in from the north as we walked the sandy shore.
Clouds raced overhead and sea birds struggled to remain aloft.
The incoming tide with its resolute swells failed to deter us.
Each gust of wind revealed to me the beauty of your profile.
Returning to sanctuary I realized you are the source of my being.
You have restored in me a deeper feeling of purpose.
The love you express raises me to a new plane of existence.
Like the outgoing tide you have opened up a new world.

High Desert Winter
Far off mountains are disappearing in a veil of hazy clouds.
Large flakes begin their descent with increasing intensity.
Now they are swirling about in many exotic patterns.
A vast desert is being enclosed in a coverlet of white.
This barren region is now taking on a form of purity.
Falling snowflakes reach the pleasant regions of my mind.
The scene is taking on a lovely firmament of an exotic dream.
Lost in this dream, the biting cold is no longer a concern.
In this quiet whiteness I am secure in a world of my own.
Soon dusk begins to fall and I must leave this quietude.
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